
Friday, January 1, 2021


This is a new blog i have started. I sometimes feel the urge to voice my opinion and on Facebook it's too hard because people get the wrong impression or get offended. On a forum same thing happens. So I decided one way I can get stuff off my chest is to blog it. Out there in cyber world I don't really give a rats bum if I offend anyone for my PERSONAL beliefs. I am a good person and am respectful to all those people in real life that come and go as friends and to all the people that I meet. But online there is some really weird shit that I cannot fathom and just HAVE to talk about. Sometimes it might be something in real life I need to vent about sometimes it might be something I see online... sometimes it might not even be a vent - it might be something that makes me really happy, or sad...or confused about.

So I'm not sure anyone will become a follower. I am not doing this for attention or 'fans' but if you want to comment feel free, although I will have this blog set so I can monitor the comments posted... I will not accept spammers!!!

If you have something nice or nasty to say then feel free - everyone has a right to an opinion. This is my blog of opinions and if you don't like it then move along, but if feel compelled to offend just because I have offended you then that is your right as a human. I would feel the same way... I am nice, as long as my toes are not stepped on.

One thing I will not tolerate is hardcore personal attack insults - hence the comment moderation.

Enjoy readin, don't enjoy reading... whatever - I will continue

(I have dated this to a later date to keep it at the top... every new post below will be in order )

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prisoners act like children losing a game of pinball

That was the way I would have headlined it!

Story here

This is one thing that pisses me off. Taxpayers have to pay for these morons to be in jail, to feed them, to house them, to educate them. They actually have it better than some people in the public! But no. The fucken ingrates, do crimes in society THEN get caught, found guilty and put in prison. It's like a computer game people. In a game if you don't play it right...YOU LOSE! but in real life - you play the game (ie LIFE) and you lose (do a crime) then YOU GO TO PRISON! Build a bridge, do the time and BEHAVE YOURSELVES! you lost! really. get over it!

But then this brings me to think about WHY some people do crimes. If they thieve money it's not always to feed a drug habit. It's to feed their children! The government is ultimately to blame in these situations I believe. The cost of living has not risen in line with Income at all. People can't afford the high prices of EVERYTHING they HAVE to buy (and when i say HAVE to I mean - PUBLIC schools where the 'school fees' are not MANDATORY but they sure make your kid feel like shit by making them miss out on certain things. Our PRIVATE schools (you know where it costs anywhere from $2000 PER TERM! to attend get government funding... EXCUSE ME?! so let me get this straight. The public schools where even some families can't afford to send their kids, remain in the lower section of society because they miss out on stuff because mum and dad can't afford the SRS (student requirement scheme); and the rich kids get all the education they can handle and remain in the upper middle to upper class. Private schools with air conditioning and heating, public schools with air con MAYBE in one or two classrooms (definitely in the teachers staff room) - where kids are finding it hard to concentrate because it's 40 degree heat with a fan above them blowing hot air around - getting PUNISHED for getting hot and bothered. It just really shits me. The private schools percentage of government funding should BE ZERO! that's why it's PRIVATE school - pay your own fucking shit greedy mongrels!! then maybe the public school system would have a fighting chance at having the environment they deserve to learn in!!! UGH this makes me mad

Friday, January 13, 2012


Govt anger at kangaroos on ciggie packs

Well at first I thought meh it's a little bit boring the story, but angered me a little bit too - the BRITISH AMERICAN company using our Aussie animal, because our kangaroos smoke and are are the best representation of us Aussies ... lol and it USED TO be our favourite but since prices went up the favourite is a forced favourite... now most people smoke the cheap and nasty ones...
anyways not so much that that I thought What's with that....

I went to ole faithful Google and typed in 'French Winfield packets' and found this...Cheap Cigs and I thought GREAT!!! So I clicked on a pack to see how many packs you get for the prices - Holiday Green - instead not $76 for 6 PACKS! but only $24.99 ... what the fuck this can't be right? I pay almost that for ONE pack... so I scroll down to find that catch...
Australian Residence can NOT buy from this site.
And I bet there is no website elsewhere that we can buy from to bring it in because the government would have a huge import tax anyways right?? well thanks very much assholes!! see so the price we pay is MOSTLY fucking government taxes. GREEDY GREEDY!!!! but they can get effed because I for one (and my husband for two) will not be giving the government another cent in cig tax by this time next year ... yup time to give up anyways... my motive? health? nope - I like smoking and it hasn't affected me..yet. money? you bet!

that's today's rant... sorry (if anyone has been visiting??) I haven't been around - it's been well over 30 degrees here - might not sound like much but fuck it's hot to me!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Teenage shiteads

Story here

What the bloody hell is going on in this country?? I'll tell you what it is ... there is NO CORPORAL PUNISHMENT!! bring back the cane at schools... for boys AND girls!! AND it's because some parents just don't give a fuck what their kids are doing let alone where they are! I think these little bitches that stole from that poor lady in the story (and those four that tried to do a runner from the cabbie) should be sent to a women's prison to have the living daylights scared out of them like they do on the Maury Povich show! Teens today are such little assholes - not all of them, I know a lot of teens who are ever respectful of their elders and others - but some of them, by geeez I'd love to give 'em a good clout across the ear! Make them mow lawns for free for two months EVERYDAY ... make them do SOMETHING! don't just tell them 'oh we can't do that' and slap em on the wrist! they aren't scared of that!!! And those little brats will grow up to be bigger criminals. Tough love - give credit where credit is due BUT give punishment where it's due too!!! and a PROPER PUNISHMENT! God it makes me mad!

Happy new year!!! and hybrid sharks

Hybrid Shark article

Well I be buggered! They have discovered a 'new' shark? What I wanna know is - just because they've never seen this before doesn't mean it hasn't existed long before!

I didn't want to start off 2012 with a bad story - though there are many of them at the moment :(

Friday, December 30, 2011

Pinned woman tried to cut leg off - bravery award

Story here

Wow what a terrible thing to endure :( This story caught my eye because I know a lady who lives in Tumut so I read the story and thought - wow this woman is amazing! to survive three days and try to amputate your own leg? A much stronger woman than I would be. She deserves all the best in life! and the boy who found her and called for help deserves an award of some sort too. What a good kid.

Our country is awesome and it's stories like this that make me proud to be an Aussie!

Today is a beautiful day so I thought a hard story with a happy ending would be just the thing :)